It is September of 2024 and I wanted to get a head start on 2025's reading year. In an answer to prayer, meditation, research, muddling about online, stumbling across BookTube, reading and reading, and writing, and writing, and writing and writing, I've seen an improvement in my reading and writing abilities. Although, as any good reader and writer will be able to tell, I still have a long way to go. This isn't discouraging in the least, but riveting. Progress marches forward and I have nothing but the expanse of time unfurling like an endless rug.
In thinking about what I want to read in 2025, I already know that much of what I am currently reading now will extend into 2025 and perhaps beyond, though I hope not, as there is so much I want to get to. But I wanted organize my aspirations.
Normally I just set a reading goal on Goodreads but this year, I wanted to make it more special and more difficult. For 2025 I will be using a few tools, one of which is this post, also Goodreads (like usual), and Harold Bloom's canonical list of the greatest books of all time, entitled The Western Canon.
I'm not particularly interested in only reading from the canon but I'd love to read as much of the canon as I can without veering from my own reading goals, which have everything to do with devotional material as well as books that are supposed to inform my own writing. To this end, if a book is part of Bloom's Western Canon then I will add the (WC) label. If I am rereading the book I will add a (RR) label.
A large portion of what I will be reading will come directly from my own library and piles of books to be read (TBR). This is a work in progress and is subject to change. But as I build out this list it will give me a lot to think about.
Anyway, onward and upward as I worm my way through the stacks.
2025 Reading Year
- Notes from Underground (WC) by Dostoevsky
- Background:
- Type: Novella, Russian Literature
- Published: 1864
- The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
- Type: Literary
- Published: 1963
- The Question of Bruno by Aleksandar Hemon
- Type: Literary
- Published: 2000
- Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
- Type: Bildungsroman (coming-of-age), Crime fiction
- Published: Sept. 11, 2001
- True History of the Kelley Gang by Peter Carey
- Type: Historical fiction, Crime fiction
- Published: 2000
- A Man by Keiichiro Hirano
- Type: Japanese literature, Psychological, Mystery
- Published: 2018
- My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok (RR)
- Type: Bildungsroman, Jewish fiction, Künstlerroman (an artist's coming-of-age)
- Published: 1972
- The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok
- Type: Novel, Faith, Art, and Secularism, Jewish fiction
- Published: 1990
- Brave New World (WC) by Aldous Huxley
- Type: Novel, Science Fiction, Dystopian
- Published: 1932
- Award(s): Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century
- The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Philip K. Dick
- Type: Science Fiction
- Published: 1964
- Fiskadoro (WC) by Denis Johnson
- Type: Post-Apocalyptic Novel
- Published: 1985
- The Laughing Monsters by Denis Johnson
- Type: Novel, Spy Novel
- Published: 2014
- Pure Color by Sheila Heti
- Type: Novel, Psychological fiction
- Published: 2022
- Award(s): Governor General's Literary Award
- Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
- Type: Novella, Roman à clef
- Roman à clef is French for novel with a key, is a novel about real-life events that is overlaid with a façade of fiction. The fictitious names in the novel represent real people, and the "key" is the relationship between the non-fiction and the fiction
- Published: 1899
- Their Eyes Were Watching God (WC) by Zora Neale Hurston
- Type: Novel, Psychological Fiction
- Published: 1937
- Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass (WC) by Bruno Schulz
- Type: Novel, Polish literature, Jewish fiction
- Published: 1937
- As I Lay Dying (WC) by William Faulkner
- Type: Novel, Southern Gothic, Literature
- Published: 1930
- The Sun Also Rises (WC) by Ernest Hemingway
- Type: Novel, Historical Fiction, Roman à clef
- Published: 1926
- A Farewell to Arms (WC) by Ernest Hemingway
- Type: War Novel, Literary Realism
- Published: 1929
- For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
- Type: War Novel
- Published: 1940
- The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy
- Type: Novella, Philosophical Fiction
- Published: 1902
- Flatland: A Romance in Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott
- Type: Novella, Science Fiction, Scientific Romance
- Published: 1884
- The Ox-Bow Incident by Walter Van Tilburg Clark
- Type: Novel, Western
- Published: 1940
- The Deer Stalker by Zane Grey
- Type: Novel, Western
- Published: 1925
- Blind Your Ponies by Stanley Gordon West
- Type: Novel, Western, Sports
- Published: 2001
- The Metamorphosis of Ovid (WC)
- Type: Poetry, Mythology, History
- Purpose: Academic - I want to understand the Ancient Near East and my knowledge is sparse.
- The Hemophiliac's Motorcycle by Tom Andrews
- Type: Poetry
- Purpose: I need to read poetry and this spoke to me at one time. I've carried it around for years and have only read a few poems. I will complete it in 2025.
- Published: 1994
- Award(s): The Iowa Poetry Prize
- The Legend of Light by Bob Hicok
- Type: Poetry
- Purpose: I need to read poetry and this spoke to me at one time. I've carried it around for years and have only read a few poems. I will complete it in 2025.
- Award(s): Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry
- Published: 1995
- Rain Scald by Tacey M. Atsitty
- Type: Poetry, Navajo poetry
- Published: 2018
- The Joseph Smith Papers: Journals Vol. 1
- Type: History
- Purpose: Academic
- Published: 2008
- Witness of the Fire: Creativity & The Veil of Addiction by Linda Schierse Leonard
- Type: Jungian Psychology, Recovery, Creativity
- Purpose: Recovery, Psychological, Creativity, Spiritual
- Published: 2001
- Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung (with Aniela Jaffé)
- Type: Autobiography
- Purpose: Jungian psychology, alchemy, and Carl Jung himself
- Published: 1962
- Mythology by Edith Hamilton
- Type: Mythology
- Purpose: Academic - I want to understand the Ancient Near East and my knowledge is sparse.
- Published: 1942
- Ideas: A History of Thought and Invention, From Fire to Freud by Peter Watson
- Type: History
- Purpose: My grasp of history is sparse. I am very interested in the development of ideas. I've carried this book around for a while. It's time I cracked it. I think it will supplement all the other historical books I'll be reading.
- Published: 2005
- San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities by Michael Shellenberger
- Type: Sociology
- Published: 2021
- Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All by Michael Shellenberger
- Type: Sociology
- Published: 2020
- An American Childhood by Annie Dillard
- Type: Memoir
- Published: 1987
- H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald
- Type: Memoir
- Published: 2014
- Award(s): Samuel Johnson Prize, Costa Book of the Year
- Tis': A Memoir by Frank McCourt
- Type: Memoir
- Published: 1999
- A Scientist Explores Spirit: A Biography of Emanuel Swedenborg by George F. Dole & Robert H. Kirven
- Type: Biography, Philosophy, Metaphysics
- Published:
- Craft Books
- Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee
- Type: Craft
- Purpose: To be a better writer
- Published: 1997
- Attack of the Copula Spiders by Douglas Glover
- Type: Craft
- Purpose: To be a better writer
- Published: 2012
- Refuse to Be Done by Matt Bell
- Type: Craft
- Purpose: To be a better writer
- Published: 2022
- The Lost Art of Reading: Why Books Matter in a Distracted Time by David L. Ulin
- Type: Literary Criticism, Essays
- Published: 2010
- Religious
- By The Hand of Mormon: The American Scripture that Launched a New World Religion by Terryl L. Givens
- Type: Academic
- Purpose: To gain a better understanding of the Book of Mormon
- Published: 2003
- The Doctrine & Covenants (RR)
- Type: Scriptural, Historical
- Purpose: Devotional
- The Egyptian Book of the Dead (WC)
- Type: Historical, Mythology
- Purpose: Academic - I want to understand the Ancient Near East and my knowledge is sparse.
- The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (RR)
- Type: Theology, Fiction, Satire
- Published: 1942
Total Books = 47
Bloom's Western Canon total = 10